What’s New in the Shop: 2011


Friday, February 4, 2011, 3:00-5:00PM

Many thanks to all who attended our Open House, it was a lot of fun! Stay tuned for photos of DELIVERANCE’s sea trials, which will be on the web site soon.

In the meantime, you can click to see an article from the Ellsworth American about the Open House.



Fall 2010

43ft power cruising boat DELIVERANCE
28ft cat-yawl MOLLY B restoration


Designed by Doug Hylan for a long-time customer, construction of this 43′ powerboat continues. See Winter 2010 What’s New for earlier photos.




With the hull complete, work on the superstructure and interior proceeds.






The hatch in the foreground leads to the fo’c’sle with bunks and head. The engine room hatch is just forward of the pilothouse on the starboard side.




Wide side decks and a gunwale-to-gunwale deck space forward of the pilothouse are notable features of this design.


The MOLLY B is a 27’9″ cat-yawl designed by C. C. Hanley in 1927. She is in our shop for new frames, floors, some new planking, refastening, and other major structural work. She is in quite original condition–most of the restoration work is the first since new–and the restoration will use original techniques as much as possible. Earlier photos of her restoration are available here.


The new keel is shown here being fitted, the original oak keel having been removed. New floors and centerboard trunk will complete the new backbone and ensure decades more sailing for this classic.




The new keel is fashioned of purpleheart, a wood noted for its toughness and rot-resistance.